Rain King

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Rain King

Episode: 6X07
Airdate: 01/10/99
Written by:
Jeffrey Bell
Directed by:
Kim Manners
Guest Cast:
Victoria Jackson as Sheila Fontaine, Clayton Rohner, Davis Manis, Dirk Blocker, and Francesca Ingrassia

Images from Rain King (50 images)

NOTE: This episode mentions nothing about Kersh or that they shouldn't be on the case. Maybe this was filmed out of order and they have "The X-Files" back? They clearly went to investigate this case.


The episode starts with the woman, Sheila, opening up and signing a Valentine's Day card. KRONER, KANSAS FEBRUARY 14, VALENTINE'S DAY. Sheila lights a candle, and the camera pans to show a picture of her and the man the card is most likely for. She changes the TV to a news channel from the home shopping network she had been watching. She eats some chocolates from a heart-shaped box. The news anchor on CHANNEL 5 NEWS introduces Holman Hardt, the meteorologist.

As Sheila watches, Daryl Mootz comes in, very angry. He is holding a newspaper with a picture of the two of them on it announcing their engagement, with the header "Fontaine to Mary Mootz." Daryl tells Sheila that they had agreed to keep the engagement secret until he said so. She just wanted everyone to know why she had been so happy. Sheila says she knows that business has been slow, that it hasn't rained, but that doesn't mean that they have to stop living. Darrell wants to call the engagement off but Sheila doesn't. She tells him it will rain soon, she can feel it.

Darrell mocks Sheila and gets into his car.

Sheila is sitting eating chocolate listening to the Carpenters' song, "Rainy Days and Mondays" crying.

Darrell continues to drive, listening to the same song, when it starts to rain. He takes a drink of beer, and rolls down the window to feel the rain. Suddenly, the rain turns to hail and his car swerves. The hail keeps getting bigger and bigger, smashing the windshield, and he slides into a telephone pole. Daryl is knocked out by the hail.

The camera pans to show the hail on the ground. Each piece is shaped in a heart.

Mulder and Scully get off the plane to be greeted by the mayor, Jim Gilmore. Behind him, a girl starts twirling her baton to music.

SCULLY: Don't look at me, this was your idea.

The mayor thinks Scully is Mulder's wife. Scully correctly identifies herself. Mulder hadn't told Scully much about the case, so she asks the mayor to tell her. He tells her that there have been droughts and field fires, and that it is wrong for a man to prosper at the expense of others. Daryl Mootz has been charging people for rain. Gilmore hands them a brochure that says, "Rain King, Inc." He says that Daryl does his "dog and pony dance" and the heavens weep.

Mulder and Scully go to "Rain King, Inc" and talk to Mootz's secretary, Cindy. She says Mootz is in Nebraska making it rain. She thinks that they should have a warrant or something. She finally hands them the list of satisfied customers. On the TV, the news shows that is raining in Nebraska. Mulder asks where the TV station is.

At the station, Sheila runs up to Mulder and Scully thinking that they are the Gundersons, winners over a romantic getaway. After they get congratulationses from Sheila and Hardt, Scully tells them who they are. The real Gundersons show up, a skinny elderly man and a plump woman. Mulder jokingly says it's like looking in the mirror.

Mulder and Scully talk to Hardt. He says that Mootz appears to be the real deal, he can make it rain.

Mulder sees that Mootz will be at the Monroe farm at 4 p.m.

At the Monroe farm, Mulder is Scully see Mootz. They are skeptical that he can make it rain. Mootz has lost his leg because of the car accident. He puts on a boot so he can stand up. Showing off, he starts to dance. He says that he is 1/64 Indian, so he can make it rain.

Mulder and Scully walk out from under the tent, still skeptical. Suddenly, it starts to rain soaking Mulder and Scully. Everyone is running around the farm, happy.

At the television station, Sheila comes up to Hardt's desk and asks why the FBI were there. Hardt tells her that they wanted to know about Daryl, and how he controls the weather. It is obvious that Hardt likes Sheila. He asks her if she still loves Daryl, but she doesn't answer.

At the Coolview Motel Scully is in bed awake.

Mulder is awake as well. He goes over to the window and sees a cow. Suddenly the cow is lifted into the air. Mulder looks up, hearing the noise, and moves away as the cow crashes through the roof of his room.

The camera pans down through the hole in the ceiling of Mulder's motel room. Scully and a man are there. The man tells her she should move unless she wants hamburger on her.

When Scully walks out of the motel room, a woman tells her that they have moved her boyfriend into her room. Scully tells her that they are just partners and would like two separate rooms. She tells Scully that that is the only room they have, and to take it or leave it.

Scully walks over to Mulder who is sitting on a car, a doctor looking at him. Mulder tells Scully he thinks someone made the cow fall through the roof. Of course, she thinks it was just an accident.

Hardt comes running up to Mulder, wondering if he's all right. He tells Mulder how sorry he is and asks if there is anything he can do to help. Scully asks him to assure Mulder that the cow falling was an accident. Hardt tells him that. He thinks it was a miny twister that picked up the cow.

Sheila comes running up, telling Hardt not protect her, that she is the one who made the cow fall.

Back in the motel room, all of them sit as Sheila tells of her past, that it stormed on her prom night and snowed six inches on her wedding day. When she got divorced, all of the clouds in the sky looked as if they were laughing at her. When she fought with Daryl, the hail storm came.

Mulder tells Sheila that she is not controlling the weather.

After Sheila leaves, the doctor tells them that the hail is not what hurt Daryl. He was drinking. Hardt did not know of this.

Back at the Monroe farm Daryl is with the secretary, Cindy. All the sudden, it stops raining.

In the motel room, Scully comes in. Mulder is reading about the case. She tells him their plane leaves at 10 a.m. Scully wants to go home, it stopped raining so there is no reason for them to stay.

Mulder tells her that neither Sheila nor Mootz is controlling the rain, Hardt is. He shows her a newspaper from 1991. He tells her that it rained flower petals for an hour. Hardt's mother had died, leaving only him. Hardt was in the hospital five times for nervous exhaustion, each time a meteorological event took place. He tells her that the weather controls some people's emotions, but that this time it is the other way around. The weather is the emotions he has been holding in.

Back at the television station in Hardt's office, Mulder comes in. He tells Hardt that they are leaving. Mulder also tells him that he knows that he is controlling the weather by his emotions. Hardt finally admits it. Mulder tells Hardt to tell Sheila how he feels before he hurts someone.

Scully calls Mulder on her cell phone and he tells her that Hardt wants his dating advice. Scully asks how long it's been since he's been on a date. She tells him that there is fog and that the plane isn't leaving. Hardt is smiling.

after she hangs up, in the car, Scully says:

SCULLY: The blind leading the blind.

At "Rain King, Inc." Daryl is sitting at his disk. Cindy is adding up all the money he owes. He starts banging his had on the desk. She tells him that they can get money. He decides he can get more money off of Sheila, so he dumps Cindy.

Hardt and Mulder talk about Mulder:

HARDT: I've been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing I'd assumed you were...more experienced. I mean...You spend everyday with Agent Scully, a beautiful, enchanting woman. And you two have never uh...I confess I find that shocking. I...I've seen how you two gaze at one another.
MULDER: This is about you, Holman. I'm here to help you. I'm perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully.
HARDT: So, according to your theory, I walk in there and tell her I love her and the drought will end?
MULDER fixes HARDT'S tie
MULDER: Just tell her how you feel...And Holman. I do not gaze at Scully.

After Mulder talks him into it, Hardt goes into Sheila's office and finally tells her he loves her. She misunderstands and tells him that she loves him too.

Mulder stands waiting for Hardt and starts to rain.

Sheila walks out and Daryl runs up to her, wanting them to be together again. She tells him that there is someone else. He asks who, and Mulder walks in. Mootz tries to punch Mulder, but Mulder slams him against the wall and handcuffs him.

Sheila tells Mulder that he deserves a reward for that, and she grabs him and kisses him. It is obvious Mulder does not want her to. Scully and Hardt choose that moment to walk in. Mulder finally pulls Sheila off of him. BOTH Scully and Hardt are upset. Hardt runs out.

Mulder has lipstick all around his mouth! Scully finally tells Mulder that if he is ready, their plane is leaving. They see on the weather radar that there is a severe storm coming, so it looks like they won't be leaving.

At Kroner High School, the 1979 Sheila and Hardt's school reunion is taking place. The room is decorated for "The Wizard of Oz." (**see note at bottom**) Rain is dropping through the ceiling into buckets.

Mulder and Scully look for Hardt. Finally finding him, they tell him to stop the rain. He says he can't and it's Mulder's fault because he kissed Sheila.

The lights flicker.

Sheila walks over and asks Mulder to dance. Before he can answer, Scully buts in saying that Hardt had said he wanted to dance. She reluctantly goes off with him. Mulder yells after him to tell Sheila.

While Holman and Sheila are dancing, Sheila wants to know what Mulder wanted him to tell her. He tells her that when he told her before that he loved her, he meant he was in love with her, and that he has been since high school.

Mulder and Scully are shoulder to shoulder swaying to the music as they watch Sheila and Holman.

Sheila is surprised; she leaves for the bathroom.

Mulder tells Scully:

MULDER: I'll build the ark. You gather the animals...I was kidding.

Scully follows Sheila into the bathroom, trying to get her to talk to Hardt. She explains to her what Mulder believes is going on. Sheila doesn't respond to what Scully just said, she only says:

SHEILA: You love him, don't you?
SHEILA: You're jealous because Agent Mulder and I have a special connection. You're trying to divert me to Holman.

In the gym, Mootz comes in on crutches. He's got one leg now since Cindy took it so he'd have to 'come crawling back.' Daryl is looking for Sheila. starts telling Mulder to back off of Sheila; Mulder trips Daryl.

Scully has obviously told Sheila that she and Mulder are just partners.

Not even a kiss?
SCULLY shakes her head looking sad about this
SHEILA: Trust me, the man knows how to kiss. I just never thought of Holman that way, you know. He's my closest friend. And to not even suspect...
SCULLY: Well, it seems to me that the best relationships-- The ones that last-- Are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend, is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.

In the bathroom the sinks start to fill up with water. Scully and Sheila run out of the bathroom.

Sheila goes over to Holman asking if it is raining because of her. If it snowed on her wedding night, etc, because he loved her. He tells her it's true and that he does love her. She kisses him and tells him that that's the most romantic thing she's ever heard. The rain stops and the lights go on.

Everyone in the gym except Mulder and Scully are kissing and dancing.

MULDER: I didn't know reunions could be so...

Sheila and Holman walk over to Mulder and Scully. Mulder asks Hardt how it went.

HARDT: You should try it some time.

One year later, on television, Hardt is giving a weather forecast, saying it's a beautiful day. The camera pans back to show Sheila holding a baby, and past them is a rainbow outside.

Based on the Redux II scale (1-10, as Redux II being a 10 [now with Triangle being an 11, above the scale])
Overall Rating : 7.5
Shippy Rating: 7

**I had a thought on the "Wizard of Oz" scene at the dance. Hardt told Sheila he loved her but at first she didn't believe him, right? Well, I was thinking that "Triangle is a homage to "The Wizard of Oz" (and "Rope"). In that episode, Mulder tells Scully she loves him, but she acts like she doesn't believe him. Maybe this in "Rain King" is a reference to "Triangle?" Just some idle thoughts.**

Images from Rain King (50 images)

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